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Skyrenu x Deep Sky
Deep Sky to Deploy Direct Air Capture (DAC) Unit from Skyrenu as Canada Becomes World Hub for Carbon Removal
MONTRÉAL (January 9, 2024) — Deep Sky, a Montreal-based gigaton-scale carbon removal project developer, and Skyrenu, a Quebec-based DAC company, have partnered to deploy carbon removal technology in Canada. Spun out of Sherbrooke University, Skyrenu is a product of the XPRIZE Carbon Removal student competition, which it won in 2021. As part of its partnership with Deep Sky, Skyrenu will deliver and install a DAC unit with the capacity to remove 50 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.
As the world's first gigaton-scale carbon removal company, Deep Sky will operate Skyrenu’s DAC system as part of its Labs test facility. The system will be installed in Quebec in 2024 and will leverage the region's vast reserves of renewable hydroelectric energy.
Once in operation, the partners will monitor the performance of the DAC unit at Deep Sky’s Labs facility. Data will be collected on the performance of the unit in terms of carbon dioxide removal (CDR), energy consumption, and more. Together, the partners aim to validate the technology for commercial deployment in Canada as part of Deep Sky's mission to develop Canada into a world-leading hub for carbon removal.
“As we source cutting edge DAC technologies from around the globe, we’re proud to highlight innovators in our own backyard of Quebec,” said Damien Steel, Deep Sky CEO. “A product of Sherbrooke University, Skyrenu represents the impressive decarbonization research and development coming out of higher education. We’re thrilled to deploy it at our Labs facility, where we test carbon removal processing units before deploying them at scale.”
“Together, we're forging a sustainable future for Québec and beyond by capturing CO2 directly from the atmosphere to help slow climate change,” said Gabriel Vézina, Skyrenu CEO. “Skyrenu is committed to redefining environmental standards for a positive impact and paving the way for a greener, cleaner future for all.”
Together, Deep Sky and Skyrenu are committed to developing and deploying cutting-edge carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. High-quality CDR is essential for achieving net zero emissions goals and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Powered by renewable energy, Deep Sky's facilities are strategically located in Québec, a region with an abundance of hydroelectric power, immense wind power potential and a vast territory with the rich geological makeup required for carbon capture.
About Skyrenu
Skyrenu Technologies Inc. was founded in 2021, in Quebec (Canada). We develop innovative solutions to decarbonize society in order to make carbon neutrality a reality. Among other things, we are developing an integrated, modular and low-cost solution for capturing CO2 directly from the atmosphere. For more information, visit
About Deep Sky
Montreal-based Deep Sky is the world’s first gigaton-scale carbon removal company, removing billions of tons of carbon from the atmosphere and permanently storing it underground. As a project developer, Deep Sky brings together the most promising direct air and ocean carbon capture companies under one roof to bring the largest supply of high quality carbon credits to the market and commercialize carbon removal and storage solutions like never before. With $75M in funding, Deep Sky is backed by world class investors including Investissement Québec, Brightspark Ventures, Whitecap Venture Partners, OMERS Ventures, BDC Climate Fund, and more. For more information, visit
Media Contacts
Brooks Wallace
Deep Sky
Gabriel Vézina, Eng., Ph.D.